
U Connect

Find Your Connection

U Connect is an information-sharing platform for USD116 to highlight staff members, provide resources, announce events, and expand the sphere of engagement and connection amongst colleagues. Every individual staff member of USD116 is an integral part of the success of the district; and contributes something special to the schools, students, parents, colleagues, and community.  Provide the recipe for new dish you found, recommend a great company, share the weekend getaway spot you just discovered, announce upcoming events in the area.

U Connect Facebook Page

U Connect is a platform for staff to share and learn about events, ideas, and helpful tips for work and relaxation.

  • Participate in district events like Trivia Night, Karaoke Night, Game Night, March Madness Bracket Challenge
  • Enjoy performances at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts and State Farm Center
  • Interact with colleagues and share success stories
  • Inform others of great causes and volunteer opportunities in our community
  • Look out for coupons from local businesses and organizations

The Purpose of U Connect is to use social media as a means of dispersing information to USD116 staff members that broadens staff members' circle of support.

The Mission of U Connect is to promote engagement, resources, professional opportunities, and community amongst district staff.