People of Urbana School District: Matthew Murrey Library and Media Specialist at UHS

His personality is a perfect match for his serene workspace. Matthew Murrey is quiet as the books in the Urbana High School library, and like those books once Mr. Murrey opens up you learn a lot about what’s inside. Matthew Murrey is a man with a vast background. He spent some time working in the mental health field, earned his teaching certification from the University of Iowa, and his Master’s of Library Sciences from the University of Illinois. 

Mr. Murrey’s road to becoming the Urbana High School Librarian started as a graduate assistant where he worked at Uni High. He then became the Librarian at Monticello High School, before coming to Urbana where his two sons went to school. Mr. Murrey enjoys the field of library science, but has seen a change in the school where he earned his MLS degree, “The library school has really shifted toward much more data… honestly in some ways they seem like a computer science department more than a library school.” When reflecting further on the changes he has seen in his alma mater’s information science department Murrey states, “I know they do still have a library degree program, but I have to say it [the transition to more technology-based information] sometimes makes me a little sad.” However, Mr. Murrey is not opposed to the change as he explains, “Not that you have to stick with the books. I’m like old school, in that I grew up that way [with books], but I totally love information technology also and such; But I do feel like there’s a certain culture and calling of librarianship which I think is really fundamental to a democracy.”

“…To me it just was like wow to have that kind of thing to create something that excites people so much…”  

The affinity Mr. Murrey has with books and words makes sense as he is also a writer. Mr. Murrey has been published in journals including Tar River Poetry, Poetry East, and The Progressive. Mr. Murrey has also been featured in News-Gazette articles and the Central Illinois Buzz for his writing. Yet the recognition Mr. Murrey has received did not come overnight. It took years to have some of his work published and 27 years after his love of poetry commenced, to have his first book of poems entitled Bulletproof published in February 2019 by Jacar Press.

When asked where his love for writing came from Mr. Murrey shared, “I had a couple of really good high school English teachers who truly loved literature — and their love for poetry just came across.” One of the poets Mr. Murrey learned about in high school that struck him was T.S. Eliot. Mr. Murrey further elaborated on what ignited his passion for poetry, “…To me, it just was like, wow to have that kind of thing to create something that excites people so much…” Mr. Murrey is dedicated to his writing. He wakes up on weekdays at 4:30 am to write which he describes as, “A quiet time of uninterrupted hours.” Continuing to hone his craft regularly there is sure to be more thought-provoking, inspiring, and moving metaphorical expressions to come.

Matthew Murrey is certainly a person to know in an Urbana School District 116. If you have a moment to breeze by the high school library for a brief chat, you will be happy for the visit.

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